


小夜灯是一款专为妈妈爸爸打造的贴心软件。它可以把你的手机变成一款非常柔和的灯光,当你在夜间喂奶或换尿布时也不会影响宝宝。精心挑选的可爱图案和颜色是专为夜间照明设计,柔和不伤眼睛不影响睡眠,为你和你的宝宝营造最温馨的氛围。A soft night light designed for mums and dads. It creates a soft warm light so you can check upon your babies in the evening without waking them, ideal for dream feeding or nappy changing at night. Beautiful handcrafted background colours are designed to be pleasant for your eyes in the dark, while creating a cosy environment for you and your baby.
◉ Five beautiful handcrafted background images ◉ Easy access to brightness controls◉ Automatically saves your preference◉ All the features you need and nothing else - no ads, no in-app purchase